"Steamboat Enterprise Mural"
This mural was painted by a group of high school students from the Monongahela River Valley. As an instructor at the Douglass Education Center in Monessen, PA, I worked with about 24 students to achieve this image.
Above is an image of the mural before its installation. We start the process with an image that we grid in sections and project the sections onto prepared cloth material. After the line art of the image is transferred the students begin to paint the various sections. A slide show of the students working at various stages is below.
The Steamboat Enterprise is significant in American history. Designed and built in Brownsville, PA in 1814 by Daniel French, the boat was the first steamboat designed adequately enough to combat the force of the flow of our rivers. The boat traveled from Brownsville to Pittsburgh and then to New Orleans and returned to Pittsburgh. Its ability to traverse the rivers up stream opened up the potential for establishing our extensive river commerce and grow our industrial river towns.
The Steamboat Enterprise also played a significant role in the winning of the Battle of New Orleans when it was loaded with munitions and returned to New Orleans to successfully fight the famous battle with the British.
This mural was painted by a group of high school students from the Monongahela River Valley. As an instructor at the Douglass Education Center in Monessen, PA, I worked with about 24 students to achieve this image.
Above is an image of the mural before its installation. We start the process with an image that we grid in sections and project the sections onto prepared cloth material. After the line art of the image is transferred the students begin to paint the various sections. A slide show of the students working at various stages is below.
The Steamboat Enterprise is significant in American history. Designed and built in Brownsville, PA in 1814 by Daniel French, the boat was the first steamboat designed adequately enough to combat the force of the flow of our rivers. The boat traveled from Brownsville to Pittsburgh and then to New Orleans and returned to Pittsburgh. Its ability to traverse the rivers up stream opened up the potential for establishing our extensive river commerce and grow our industrial river towns.
The Steamboat Enterprise also played a significant role in the winning of the Battle of New Orleans when it was loaded with munitions and returned to New Orleans to successfully fight the famous battle with the British.
Enterprise Mural Installation
Friend Dave Lesako and I installed the mural on the wall of a building in Brownsville PA adjacent to the wharf area on Water Street. The sections of the mural are first brushed with a special adhesive on the reverse side and the pieces are carefully aligned and rubbed down to the surface.
A slide show of the install is below.
Friend Dave Lesako and I installed the mural on the wall of a building in Brownsville PA adjacent to the wharf area on Water Street. The sections of the mural are first brushed with a special adhesive on the reverse side and the pieces are carefully aligned and rubbed down to the surface.
A slide show of the install is below.